It's finally the weekend. Crazy week. Appointments from Louisville to Columbus. Somehow, I still found time for my scheduled workouts.
I'm still in speed and tempo portion of my training schedule. As much as I enjoy running hard, I am liking forward to another base period.
I started with an easy spin on Monday with my wife followed by our full body weight routine. I focus on my legs and core with some upper body. She likes to focus more on upper body and core. Regardless we still stay together for the entire time. It's my favorite workout of the week. Who wouldn't want to hang with their beautiful wife to start the week?
Tuesday is rest day and Wednesday brought sleet and freezing rain. So, I shifted my running to the right and just did my living room circuit routine after the kids went to bed. It actually worked out just fine. I was able to get the blood flowing later in the day and stay awake for the KState game. EMAW baby!
Thursday was hill repeats. Man, I was really dreading the hill as I did my warm up. I live in a neighborhood that is shaped like a wishbone. My street is mostly flat but the other one is a quarter mile with five percent grade. That thing will get the heart rate into zone 4 quickly. My goal is to rock it at 5K pace. Finally! I knocked out five at 1:45! Boom! I was struggling to hit two minutes last summer. Talk about a breakthrough run. That was a nice boost.
Friday found me in Columbus OH with tempo repeats on the schedule. Dude. It was cold up there. 19°F is quite a change for the winter we've had in Louisville. I definitely felt the drag on my pace. Mile warmup followed by 5x7minutes at HM pace with one minute recoveries. I was able to keep it below 8:15 but it hurt. Character building workout for sure.
Saturday is always long run day for me. I like to completely shutdown my brain and body until Monday. I met my bible study buddy and we took off at his conversational pace. He yaps about slowing my pace but I actually enjoy it. Keeps my heart rate in zone 1/2 and let's my body stay in aerobic zone. He started getting tired about 45 minutes into the run and I still needed another hour. So, he turned for the car and I pumped up to HM pace for three miles. Then pulled back to zone 2 for the remaining 25 minutes. Forgot to check my average HR. Couldn't have been too high. I'm guessing it was low zone 2.
Anyhow, it was great week of training. Last week of speed and tempo on the schedule next week with my first half marathon distance of the year on Saturday. Planning to mix my pace between conversation and marathon pace. Definitely not going to push it but I would like to finish under two hours.
Keep moving forward!