Monday, January 13, 2014

Just call me Gym Rat

Gonna have to register these guns! Ha. Obviously I've been sticking to the workout plan. Spin, elliptical, and Precor for cardio plus six days a week of weights. I even snuck in a bike ride last week.

I added yoga to Sunday. This has helped my sciatica pain ease considerably. I found an excellent routine. It's forty-eight minutes and really focuses on releasing the back. I went most of the day and evening with no pain. Here's the YouTube video.

About that bike ride... Beware of loose dogs. I had a pit bull chase me into the ditch. Thankfully it was scared of the car behind me laying on the horn. Could have been the 9mm the passenger was packing. No worries though. No blood or bite marks. Just some mud on my clothes from hitting the ditch.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year, New Goals

Since my last blog update, I've realized that I should delay the next marathon for a while. It doesn't seem that my driving and running will allow my back to heal properly. This sciatica relapse is getting better but it's lingering a bit too long.

So, what's the plan? Riding the bike certainly makes the sciatica feel better. So, I'm going to focus on riding my bike, lifting weights, and practicing yoga. Those three things should keep me fit and let the back heal properly. I plan to ride a fifty miler on April 12 (originally the marathon date) and a hundred miler in May (date TBD).

What about the marathon? I'll see how I feel over the summer. Maybe start easing some runs into the training schedule in the late spring with a possible build for November. I like running a marathon distance the Saturday before Thanksgiving. That let's me recover over the holidays.

I'll also be spending more time in the woods while hiking with my wife. She's found that she enjoys walking with me. I even bought her some new hiking shoes for Christmas. We got them muddy today around Taylorsville Lake State Park. Good times!