Saturday, February 23, 2013
Running with a View
This was not one of those weeks. Although I was in Dayton, Toledo, Cleveland, and Saint Paul, I was able to rock it. I enjoyed a nice run at home before I left. Weights and recumbent were enjoyable at the hotel on Tuesday. However the best workout was in Saint Paul on Thursday.
This week was to be my first half marathon distance of the year. So I thought I'd make the most of my trip with a run along the Saint Paul riverfront. I was quite surprised with the great views for a run that started downtown. Within the first three miles, I saw at least eight bald eagles. I had never seen one in the wild. The riverfront pathway is really nice.
Anyhow, I'm back home for the weekend. I'm hoping for a nice recovery ride tomorrow to close the week. The next three weeks will be speed and tempo focused to peak for a race pace half.
Keep moving forward!
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Juggling Life
The recovered workout plan turned into rest on Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday. Spin and weights on Wednesday. Nice ten miler on Thursday. Manual labor on Friday. 1/4-mile repeats on Sunday.
Wednesday's workout was my weekly gym date with my wife. I absolutely love our gym time together. I lead us on a 35 minute spin with hills and sprints. I really get our heart pumping on the hill climbs. Then we finish with 30 minutes of weights. I've been lifting heavy (for me). I'd like to develop more strength. I've also been including a compound exercise every session. This week was deadlifts. Man, my butt hurt the next day. Glutes were activated!
Busy week ahead with travels to the tundra of northern Ohio and Minnesota. While I'm in Minnesota, I plan a 13.1-mile training run along the river in Saint Paul. If you're in the area, you're welcome to join me. I will start around 230 or 300pm on Thursday afternoon.
Keep moving forward!
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Road to Recovery
Two weeks of flu crud. Blah. So glad that is behind me. It has been at least five years since I was sick for more than a day. I've been blessed with a healthy immune system. Of course, it could be the healthy diet. Hmmm.
Back on the road this past week with three nice recovery zone runs plus a living room dumbbell circuit. I did the circuit on Wednesday morning after rolling my ankle in the predawn darkness. Stupid road edge drop off. Fortunately (depends how you look at it), my ankle has been rolled so many times that it barely swells and I was back in action within forty-eight hours.
Next week looks like a good time. I'll move my long run to midweek to accommodate my wife's trip and hit the elliptical and dumbbells on Saturday. Can't be leaving the young one at home while I tour the countryside.
Keep moving forward.